About us
Specialized in diagnosing and solving mechanical problems in light and heavy vehicles, Richard Burri started his activities in 1988 attending small close individuals, who believed they were handing over their vehicle to someone competent.
Today, the client portfolio already includes companies from several other sectors of the Mozambican economy. Focusing on vehicles from several embassies in Mozambique, AUTO-SUIÇA stands out for the quality of its products and services.
Investment in new technologies, automation, qualification of employees and preservation of the environment are also part of the company's day-to-day activities. All of this without losing sight of the excellence in customer service, which has gained confidence and speed thanks to a fully computerized diagnostic system, with the best of the market worldwide today. This allows AUTO-SUIÇA to monitor all types of faults and how to solve them, step by step, giving the customer the security of being able to find out about what type of fault and what is a viable solution, within the repair standards.
We are attentive to the needs of each one, which is why we always pay attention to the best prices, the best promotions and always the payment facilities so that the revision, repair and assembly of accessories in cars is a possibility for everyone, as well in our facilities, we are always attentive to customer concerns, we are not limited to specific problems, we have the necessary attention so that the customer leaves with a new 'type' car.
Many of these situations and the success of AUTO-SUIÇA, (which we are proud to be almost 100%), is because we are the best auto mechanics company at national level with guaranteed success, we are proud to already have the lowest failure rate in all these years, of all the others, this is all because we believe in our professionalism, and we never give up and strive to ensure that, from the thorough diagnosis, diagnosing each error printed by the computer and looking for the best solution applicable in each situation, and this is where we can say that we are also different from the rest.